Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Die Open Beta des Microsoft Flight Simulator hat ein weiteres Update bekommen. Version bringt einige Bugfixes und Verbesserungen an den Standardflugzeugen mit sich. Die Open Beta für das nächsten Sim Update war vor wenigen Tagen online gegangen


  • Added an input key to toggle Flight Assistant Panel

General Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues in the building generation that could cause crashes

  • Various localization improvements


  • Fixed airport considered as water if runways have undefined surface type


  • General Live Weather improvements

  • Fixed a rendering issue where clouds were ghosting into the sky at horizon


  • In Bush Trips, the Description Box displays incorrect values for the Flight Length, Flight Duration, and Number of Legs


Cessna Citation CJ4

  • Added automatic VOR tuning functionality

  • Added the FLT LOG page to the FMC and flight tracking

  • The FLT LOG page will show on the FMC after landing based on the setting in DEFAULTS

  • Added ability to ident the transponder on the FMC ATC CONTROL page

  • Fixed an issue where fuel used tracking on FUEL MGMT page 2 was not correct

  • Reduced pitch instability and adjusted elevator authority, tweaked roll rates at various speeds to keep light control feel but reduce excess performance

  • Adjusted flaps to achieve a better compromise between approach angle and flaps pitch/lift moments, reduced flaps drag at both flaps levels

  • Slightly increased top end engine thrust to address a few reports of insufficient climb power

  • Increased gear down drag

  • Increased gyro stability to reduce excessive turbulence impact

  • Adjusted load stations to be more in line with real loadout

  • Added additional groundwheel friction to avoid skidding during moderate crosswind landings

  • ILS data is now loaded from the approach FAF origin facility to allow for navtonav and autotune even when scenery runway data does not have the appropriate ILS reference information

  • Fixed bugs related to visual approach loading and visual approach vnav guidance

  • TOGA buttons on power lever are now interactable


  • Fixed an issue with the tow attach point which caused the glider to be uncontrollable when aerotowed


  • Increased winch power

  • Increased winch max spawn distance



  • Fixed terraforming issues include the crack on runway 26 at ESSA


New supported devices

  • Added presets for HORI Flightstick XBOX SERIES X|S Flight and PC modes


  • Fixed version number shown in MSFS Localization Manager

  • WebAssembly: Fixed buggy implementation of memcpy in GdiPlus, causing occasional crashes

  • Fixed textures paths for SDK Xbox Samples (Cliffton Bridge and Tokyo Haneda)

  • [HELICOPTER] Added a parameter to the config file to allow helicopter throttle(s) to be controlled directly by SimVars, bypassing all the builtin helicopter engine control algorithms. Please, see SDK for details


  • Fixed crash at validation stage upon exporting a project


  • Fixed CTD caused by trying to use a variable


Aircraft editor

  • Fixed an issue that caused the FuelSystem to only read the first 7 params defined for a Trigger

Scenery editor

  • Keep unsupported data in the xml
  • Fixed airport disappearing when not editing airport data
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