Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Der Working Title CJ4 in Version o.12.7 steht jetzt zum Download bereit. Das hat Dominik gestern Abend auf dem WT-Discord anfekündigt. Vor allem auf Komplikationen, die mit dem Release des Service Updates 5 entstanden sind, wurde in der neuesten Version reagiert. Da das SU5 dem Kern des MSFS neues Interaktions- und Modelverhalten verpasst hat, empfiehlt Working Titel das Ausschalten der Intstrument Tooltips und das „LOCK Interaction System“, so schreiben es die Entwickler auf ihrer Website, wo auch der Download-Button zu finden ist. Auch die Avionik-Mods (G1000 und G3X) von Working Title wurde in den letzten Tage überarbeitet. Diese sind über den Marketplace des MSFS zu haben.

Folgende Verbesserung sollt das Update bringen:

  • Adjusted maximum screen brightness
  • Fix Baro Knob animation and function
  • Adjusted scale of PPOS/PLAN map modes so distances are more accurate again in relation to the range rings
  • Fix Lower CCP knob long press for reselecting charts in LOCK mode
  • Fix entering ABOVE/BELOW restrictions results in wrong order of A/B
  • SimBrief import now skips waypoints it was not able to import but continues the process (thanks @billtt)

Folgende „Problemchen“ haben Working Title bereits identifiziert bzw. gelten weiterhin:

  • SU5 Compat – because of huge changes in the underlying model behaviors to accommodate the new sim interaction system, there may be some bugs with interactions, including some missing sounds with buttons, some odd indications when hovering over a button or light, etc.
  • The joystick used for panning charts does not work in Legacy interaction mode
  • B/C button throws an error in the FMC – do not use B/C for now.
  • Some “lettered” or non-runway-specific approaches now appear as something like RNAV A – 00 and do not allow the selection of a landing runway, preventing using the Approach Refs page – this is something we will be working to address in the future.
  • Some external applications that use the GPS/Flight plan SimVars may not function correctly or as expected when FP Sync is off.
  • Loading and saving flights can have bad results.
  • Custom liveries can render FADEC inoperative if they ship with a panel.cfg. Painters should reference our new Repainter’s Guide for solutions.
  • Autopilot modes cannot be triggered via key bindings or controllers and must currently be triggered in the cockpit with the mouse. External binding applications are adding support for LVars and HEvents. Used SimVars are documented in our Guide on SimVars.
  • Due to sim autopilot bank rate limitations, the aircraft may overshoot on certain RNP approaches with tight turns. If you encounter this, we recommend hand flying the approach with the given lateral and vertical guidance.
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