Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Nachdem JARDesign bereits seit über drei Jahren an einer Umsetzung des Airbus A340-500 für X-Plane arbeitet, ist der Flieger dann heute mehr oder weniger überraschend im X-Plane.org Store veröffentlicht worden.  Neben ToLiss sind die 340-Schöpfer die zweite Add-On-Schmiede, die den Vierstrahler in den X-Plane bringen. Allerdings ist ToLiss am etwas längeren A340-600 dran. Das Add-on ist im Org-Store derzeit mit 60 Dollar bepreist.

JARDesign 340-500 Airliner-JARDesign-JD340 (x-plane.org)

Hier die Features laut Website:

Beautiful and Detailed 3D Model:
  • External, Cockpit and Cabin 3D model based on real aircraft data
  • Hi-Resolution External 4K PBR textures with normal maps
  • Advanced wingflex simulation with ultra-smooth animation
  • Highly detailed Landing Gear animation
  • Animated cargo and passengers doors controlled via MCDU
  • 3-class passenger cabin with automatic controlled 3D lights

Virtual Cockpit

  • Animated Switches, Knobs, Levers and Tables in the cockpit
  • Animated wipers and windshield sun visors in the cockpit
  • Custom plugin based Realistic cockpit and external 3D lights
  • Advanced custom real-feeling FCU knobs control system
  • Pilots seen in cockpit in external view mode
  • Hi-Resolution PFD, ND, EWD and SYS displays
Flight Model and FMGS: 
  • Custom FMGS system with all main features required for normal flight
  • Common failures can be triggered
  • SID / STARS procedures based on NavData
  • Take off data – V1, V2, VR, DTo and THS/FLAPS calculated by helper on MCDU Perf page 
  • Multi-function MCDU for full aircraft control, optimum flight level, fuel prediction, etc.
  • Multiple ECAM pages for review and selection
  • Ground Handling operation via MCDU or automatically by Ground Handling plugin (by JARDesign)
  • Easy-to-use PayLoad and fuel loading via MCDU menu
  • Embedded Flight Plan generator based on navdata cycle
  • Enter Flight Plan manually or read from SimBrief/PFPX text file
  • Aircraft systems with real aircraft logic and indications
  • Custom Fly-By-Wire system with Normal law and Flight Envelope Protections
  • Custom terrain radar
  • Custom DCDU Metar reading
System modelled
  • Air Conditioning, Pressurization, Ventilation, Auto Flight,Communications, Electrical, Equipment, Fire Protection, Flight Controls, Fuel,Hydraulic, Ice and Rain Protection, Indicating/Recording Systems, Landing Gear, Lights, Navigation, Oxygen, Pneumatic, Information System, APU, Doors , Power Plant
Other systems
  • Weather radar for default XP weather
  • Custom Hot-Start function
  • MCDU 2D pop-out widget
  • Sound volume control 2D widget
  • Lateral and Vertical Flightplan 2D widget
  • Realistic 3D sound based on real aircraft sound recording
  • CoPilot (by JARDesign) plugin compatible (not included)
  • Ground Handling (by JARDesign) plugin compatible for free (not included)
  • X-Life (by JARDesign) plugin compatible (not included)
  • Better PushBack plugin compatible (not included)
  • Integrated tablet using popular Avitab plug-in
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2 Jahre zuvor

Da sollte man lieber auf den A340 von Toliss warten.

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Lothar


2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Peter

Schon der A320 von denen ist nicht vergleichbar mit dem A319/A321 von Toliss oder den FFA320.

2 Jahre zuvor

Macht Ihr ein Review zum Flieger ? Die Netzreaktionen sind ja eher so lala

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