Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Anfang Januar hat der deutsche Entwickler CGN Dev noch einen Ausblick auf die Vorhaben und Ziele für das Jahr 2021 gegeben. Jetzt, fast sechs Monate später, wird das Team aufgelöst und die Entwicklung der 737 Classic eingestellt. Die auf Discord bekannt gegebene Entscheidung begründen die Entwickler mit einem Mangel an zur Verfügung stehender Zeit. „Jobs und Schule nehmen wieder mehr Raum in Anspruch und man konnte sich nur noch selten der Entwicklung der Bobby widmen“, so heißt es in der Meldung. Entstanden war das Projekt zu Beginn der Corona-Krise, zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem ein Großteil des Teams genügend Zeit zur Verfügung hatte. 

Im Vorfeld, der vor über zwei Monaten getroffenen Entscheidung, habe es Gespräche mit einem anderen Entwickler über die Fortführung der 737 gegeben. Leider sind diese Ergebnislos geblieben. Ein Funken Hoffnung auf eine weitere 737 Classic im P3D/ MSFS bleibt noch. Denn das Team gab im Nachgang weiter bekannt, dass man die Source-Files auf Github hochladen werde. Damit die 737 Classic dort als Community-Projekt fortgeführt werden kann. 

Hey all,

some of you might noticed. Our webpage, as well as our forum, is turned off. And that has a reason. Our 737-Classic project is officially announced as cancelled.
Let me explain you why:
This time last year, we all had so much time to spend. We were at home, didn’t know what to do with our time, so we started this project. But over the time, our jobs and schools started again, robbing our time. We barely spent time developing the 737. Around two months ago, we decided to cancel the project but we knew that you guys would be disappointed. I know how you think. Teams announce something big, then cancel it and it’s all gone, falsely creating hype about nothing. So did we. The team and I are truly sorry for that and would like to apologise.
We really wanted to bring the 737 to life but at the same time, we just didn’t have the resources and time to achieve that. We thought it would be nice if we could still bring it to life, even if we wouldn’t work on it. So we went it touch with a very known company, asking if they wanted to continue the project. They were very interested and everything was set for the file transfer but suddenly, a few weeks ago they decided not to take the project over. We wanted to give you at least a little bit of joy, that the project would still be alive, but as you see, it didn’t went as we expected. This collaboration was also the „big news“ I wanted to announce to you, constantly delaying because we waited for a response from the other company.
With that being said, the 737 is officially cancelled. I want to thank every single one of you. Not only the team, who worked very hard and really were a dream team, but also you, the community. You supported us on our journey, you gave us the motivation and without such a big and friendly community this all wouldn’t be possible.
If you made it until here, I thank you for your reading this and your support and we wish you all the best for the future,

The CGN Dev Team

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