Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Vor kurzem hat iFly über Flight 1 die 737 NG für Prepar3D veröffentlicht. Jetzt folgt die nächste Stufe der Evolution. Die 737 MAX 8 ist jetzt für Lockheed Martins Flugsimulator verfügbar.

70 Dollar kostet die Maschine und kann über den Flight 1 Agent erworben werden. Kund:innen, die schon bei der vor im letzten Jahr erschienenen NG zugeschlagen haben, sollen bei der MAX einen Rabatt bekommen. Beim Prepar3D muss mindestens Version 5.3 vorliegen. 

Main Features

  • Supports Prepar3D 5.3+
  • Uses DirectX 12
  • Systems built entirely in pure C++ utilizing Windows APIs
  • Built around Enhanced Atmospherics (TrueSky)
  • Ultra-High-Definition Virtual Cockpit model.
  • Full PBR materials Virtual Cockpit.
  • High-Definition External model.
  • Intuitive mouse Click-spot logic.
  • Ultra-High-Definition Textures and Display Units in the Virtual Cockpit – VR compatible.
  • Dynamic Lighting system for the Virtual Cockpit.
  • Ultra-Resolution PBR material textures and text labels for the External Model.
  • Comm Radios supports 8.33KHz frequency spacing.
  • New Dynamic Lighting system and Effects for External Model, supporting PBR & non-PBR surface materials.
  • MAX8 engine sound by Immersive Audio (pilot view orientated).
  • iFly developed core engine sound system (engine sound & tone will change based on thrust, altitude & air density).
  • Fully Immersive Audio Cockpit sounds.
  • Electronic Flight Bag with Navigraph Terminal Charts integration. Requires Navigraph subscription https://navigraph.com/home
  • 3D Passenger Cabin with interactive seatbelt and no-smoking signs with light intensity control.
  • Collimated HUD utilizing advanced rendering technique in Prepar3D v5.3.
  • Rain drops on Virtual Cockpit & 3D cabin glass, visible also on the exterior windows.
  • Accurate Landing gear compression.
  • Includes a wide array of 3D components in the wheel wells.
  • All doors, including emergency exits and cargo holds, can be opened.
  • Battery system charging and discharging models managed through custom-developed battery engine, which is much more accurate than P3D’s.
  • Engine performance simulation, including in-air N1 & N2 fan animation.
  • And so much more…
  • Flight Systems and Modelling
  • Dozens of features make up the flight systems and models included in product.


  • Winds aloft forecast, manual entries.
  • Conditional waypoints for SIDS/STARS/Approaches.
  • Fly-by and Fly-over waypoints for SIDS/STARS/Approaches.
  • Accurate Cost Index calculations for LRC/ECON speeds.
  • Horizontal and vertical navigation.
  • RNAV and IAN navigation.
  • User defined and conditional waypoints.
  • SID/STAR and NAVDATA custom database.
  • ETA and Fuel prediction.
  • All pages and menus are implemented.
  • Colour display.
  • Custom CDU Font.
  • GLS Approaches.


  • Realistic Autopilot Flight Director System with Autothrottle System.
  • Autothrottle (A/T) Engaged Mode:
  • N1 – MCP SPD
  • GA – THR HLD
  • Retard – ARM
  • Roll Mode:
  • Pitch Mode:
  • TO/GA – G/S
  • V/S – FLARE
  • Leg Types:
  • Track to Fix
  • Direct to Fix
  • Arc to Fix
  • Course to Fix
  • Radius to Fix
  • Heading
  • RNAV and IAN navigation.
  • GLS approach support (NAVDATA dependant)
  • With left and right Flight Director.
    Cross-bar or single cue flight director.
  • Two individual flight control computers (FCCs).
  • Fully simulated AFDS Status Annunciation.
  • Pitch/Roll CWS with a CMD Engage Switch Selected.
  • Activation of mouse wheel for easier MCP windows settings.

Exterior Model

  • 3DS Max Model.
  • PBR Materials.
  • Realistic control surfaces.
  • Working elevator power.
  • Realistic flight spoilers and ground spoilers.
  • Working APU doors.
  • Entry & cargo doors with corresponding cockpit light.
  • High quality livery textures.
  • Wing movement & flexing.
  • Realistic Engine Reversers with sound.

Virtual Cockpit

  • Gauges fully functional and clickable. Every switch, knob, lever is modelled in 3D and animated.
  • Animated windows, wipers, and more.
  • Animated sun blinds (option).
  • HUD (option).
  • Animated and adjustable Pilot seats.
  • Animated chart, map and reading lights.
  • Superb instrument lightning – day and night.
  • Manual gear extension.
  • Electronic Flight bag.
  • PBR materials.

Other Systems

  • Fully simulated Inertial Reference System.
  • Terrain Radar.
  • VSD system.
  • ISFD.
  • RAAS (option).
  • NAV1/2 receivers.
  • Realistic Ground proximity Warning System.
  • Cabin pressurization gauge & logic fully implemented.
  • Flap load relief protection and auto slats logic.
  • Failure system.
  • Aural alerts.
  • Simulation of Left and Right EFIS.
  • Full TCAS logic (with traffic display on EHSI).
  • 2D Panel supports widescreen monitors.
  • Hundreds of programable key assignments.
  • You have the ability to operate both captain and first officers ND’s in different modes together while in the 2D widescreen and in the virtual cockpit.
  • Weather Radar (Active Sky for P3D Required).
  • Predictive Windshear (Active Sky for P3D Required).
  • Winds aloft forecast (Active Sky for P3D required).


  • With engine CFM LEAP-1B 28/27/25.
  • Interactive Configuration Manager.
  • Many custom configurations option.
  • Detailed operation manual, tutorial and EFB included.
  • Aircraft performance calculated directly from flight model parameters.
  • New very smooth GDI+ based LCD displays units.
  • With sound package from Immersive Audio.
  • More than 4000 SIDs/STARs included.
  • Extensive Ground support options and push back.
  • Free liveries via the public Flight1 Library System.
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4 Kommentare
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1 Jahr zuvor

Ja so grundsätzlich schon cool. Aber jetzt noch 70$ in P3D investieren? Puh…

1 Jahr zuvor

Würde mich mal interessieren wieso die nur für Prepar3D veröffentlichen.
Meine Vermutung ist eine saulange Entwicklungszeit, in die der Release von MSFS gefallen ist.

Ich hoffe für die Entwickler dass sich die Arbeit gelohnt hat. Ist immer schade wenn sich Entwickler aus Gründen der Rentabilität zurückziehen.

1 Jahr zuvor

Ist richtig geil !

1 Jahr zuvor

wäre schön, wenn es auch europäische/deutsche liveries gäbe!!

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