Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr angekündigt und jetzt verfügbar: Eagle Dynamics haben den Digital Combat Simulator um eine kostenlose Basiskarte erweitert. Nach der Kaukasus-Map können DCS-Fans jetzt die Inselgruppe der Mariannen im Westpazifik erkunden – die Map ist jetzt in der Open Beta des DCS verfügbar. Und wie bei jedem Update, haben auch wieder diverse Add-Ons Verbesserungen erhalten.

Die Mariannen-Karte erstreckt sich im DCS über eine Fläche von 1500×1500 Kilometer und beinhaltet die Inseln Guam, Rota, Tinian, Saipan und kleinere Inseln. In Guam befindet sich außerdem die größte Airbase der US-Streitkräfte im Pacific (Anders Air Force Base), die auch im DCS detailliert nachgebildet ist.

Auch wenn die Kaukasus-Karte im DCS von Anfang an dabei ist, muss die Mariannen-Map als kostenloser DLC heruntergeladen werden. Eagle Dynamics plant außerdem, die Karte nördlich der Inselkette Farallon de Medinilla noch zu erweitern; auch Richtung Osten und Westen soll mehr freier Ozean hinzukommen. 

Bei der Performance nennen die DCS-Schöpfer die Syrien-Karte als Referenz, da vor allem neue Technologien auf der neuen Karte zum Einsatz kommen und daher ältere Hardware evtl. auf Performance-Probleme stoßen könnte. Eine Hardware-Empfehlung bzw. Mindesstandards findet ihr hier im Ankündigungspost.

Ein visuelles Sneak-Peak ist im Release-Trailer der neuen Karte ebenfalls zu finden: Der sich in der Entwicklung befindende AH-64 „Apache“ ist kurz in der Nahaufnahme zu sehen. 

Wie immer werden die Updates zum neuesten Open-Beta-Release ( automatisch über den Updater installiert. Die Mariannen-Karte muss als DLC freigeschaltet werden. 

Hier das Change-Log für die das neueste Update, das auch die Mariannen-Karte ermöglicht:


Introducing new free map – DCS: Marianas

DCS World

  • AI refueling. AI Dropping basket often and sometimes gets stuck – fixed.
  • AI refueling. JF-17 refueling procedure corrected.

DCS: Mi-24P by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed several crashes
  • Added RU and EN voiceovers to ATGM training mission
  • Fixed: No control from front seat in multicrew
  • Petrovich AI: added commands, subtitles and delay.
  • Petrovich AI: added subtitles for RoE state change
  • Petrovich AI: added ASO-2 automatic SET switch for countermeasures cassettes 
  • Fixed:  IA „Syria: H-4 Take Down“ spawn point
  • Fixed: Player on commander place loses control after firing ATGM from operator place
  • Fixed: adjusted engines throttle and correction sync in multicrew
  • ASO-2 default state changed to – Interval:2, Series:4, Both SIdes ON, SET I
  • Default weapons presets were adjusted and updated
  • Fixed: If ATGM launch button used out of LA zone, Pilot’s LA sound disappear
  • Fixed: RI-65 does not warn about generator failure
  • Fixed: ZPU-24 AP route azimuth rotary 40 increment block
  • FIxed: emergency stores release logic
  • Fixed: Multi monitor setup Petrovich AI interface placement
  • Fixed: FWD cockpit ARC-15 channel switch inverted
  • Ammo counter panel implemented
  • Fixed: sight doors and headlight sync for multicrew
  • Separate commands for OBSERVE ON and OFF added
  • Fixed: launch permission sound stays after missile was launch
  • Fixed: Fuel Delimiter Valve indication inverted
  • Fixed: incorrect KMGU indication
  • Fixed: Indicator „APU ON“ not operational on electrical panel
  • Russia liveries added to USSR
  • Petrovich AI: added maximum altitude limit
  • Petrovich AI: added distance check for ATGM launch. Dynamic error +/- 300m. When in range subtitle will appear. (WIP)
  • Fixed: Countermeasures used by Operator in multicrew desync
  • Fixed: ATGM sight renders at the center of multi monitor setup
  • Adjusted textures for lighting
  • Petrovich AI: added subtitle about „Simplified AI“ active state
  • Fixed: countermeasures not working after rearming
  • Fixed: 2UT-6K Gas Temperature gauge scale adjusted
  • Fixed: second row of signal flares order inverted
  • Fixed: AFT cockpit PO-750 Inverter Switch, Flips FWD cockpit Explosion on Jettison Cover
  • Adjusted several keybinds duplicates
  • Fixed: RPM decrease command not working if mapped
  • Fixed: Hover and low-speed indicator not showing vertical speed
  • KMGU-2: adjusted circuits logic and drop interval
  • Fixed: While in ATGM sight activating Petrovich AI is blocking mouse controls
  • Course set rotary speed adjusted
  • Fixed: Spinning fan is present on ALT+F1 view
  • ASP-17 Test function adjusted (WIP)

Known issues:

  • Engines are not starting up for Operator at Cold start if operator joined before engines start.
  • If Operator in cockpit and rearming of ATGMs is done then Operator losing launch authorization tone.
  • To avoid these issues second player as Operator should join Mi-24P after its engines are running and weapons are rearmed.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Flare Salvo release is too fast.
  • Fixed: TPOD Laser safes itself when slewing with the TDC.
  • Fixed: TPOD Laser keeps firing indefinitely. Now it safes itself after 2 minutes.
  • Fixed: TOO target cannot be selected for JDAM.
  • Fixed: JPT Limiter not operating correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed: MFS fuel flow metering not being limited correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed: KC-130 crew are visible when not used or as static AI.
  • Fixed: Invisible SEL buttons under clouds.
  • WIP: MPCDs text visibility.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Fixed CAD AR waypoint display on VTB
  • Fixed: Smoke trigger
  • Fixed: VTB loadout display for pylons 6&7
  • Fixed: DEC locked on the ground
  • Fixed: Fuse Switching
  • Fixed: GBU Laser code not updating in kneeboard.
  • Fixed: smoke generators accounting as charges.
  • Added: Show pilot body at startup if DCS MISC option is set.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Added a fix that prevents from reaching other seat clickable elements with any position of the camera set in the cockpit.
  • Extended 6DOF head movement limits in the cockpit.
  • Fixed DF/test tone aerial transmission in multicrew for ARC-164, V/TVU-740, and VHF-20B. It will start working in a forthcoming DCS version.
  • Fixed “autotrim due to airbrake movement” function, which was broken in previous update.
  • Engine anti-ice is now synchronized in multicrew.
  • Stall test is now synchronized in multicrew.
  • Mirror position is now synchronized in multicrew.
  • Fuel used digital counter reset is correctly initialized when entering the second seat, and is not synchronized with the forward seat counter anymore.

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed incorrect DTT hpt/spt switch after missile launch

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Radar issue when low priority (5th) target locked in TWS 
  • Fixed: Locking/unlocking jamming target resets radar to 160nm 
  • Fixed: A2A Radar elevation moves up and down without input while trying to move the azimuth 
  • Fixed: Attack page bullseye to L&S BRA changes with range scale 
  • Fixed: Check FPAS Behaviour above M 0.9 – should not show range at current mach and altitude
  • Fixed: Clouds: In F/A-18 CASE II Training missions carrier fully is covered by clouds
  • HUD NIRD circle readability improvement
  • Updated: FA18C Hornet QS Missions – clouds update
  • Added: DCS: F/A-18C Normandy FA-18C-Armed Recce mission
  • Added: 3 Marianas Instant Action Missions

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: TWS showing two ranges on top of each other in MFD
  • Fixed: RADAR Cone in HSD extends to infinity
  • Fixed: Dogfight Mode not in NO RAD 
  • Fixed: EXP Mode shouldn’t have Azimuth Lines
  • Added: Marianas Instant action missions

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight

  • Fixed: Mi-8MTV2 can raise a heavy cargo without increasing collective

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

  • Replaced engine sound for MLRS „Uragan“
  • Fixed: desync tracks if the player used an isometric view.
  • Fixed: indication of readiness for launch on VAB Mephisto
  • Added: inertia after critical damage – Moving vehicles will gradually roll to a stop after critical damage received

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Ranges and range rate gates are now displayed on the DDD in STT modes
  • Adjusted Altitude Hold PID controllers
  • Fixed radio guard modulation – now AM is in the 225-400 range
  • JESTER will no longer report its own missiles
  • Fixed JESTER menu showing incorrect selected destination waypoint
  • Changed emergency hydraulics handpump – handpump is now automatic when clicked and held
  • Handpump pressure contribution adjusted – you now need to pump much more for the same amount of pressure
  • Removed unused options when displaying Jester BVR menu in STT modes
  • Fixed TWS PH TID targets not blinking on multicrew pilot side when approaching launch zone
  • Fixed Datalink waypoints not showing information on TID when hooked
  • Added JESTER option to set aspect switch, defaults to nose
  • Tweaked ACLS to better handle the carrier burble (further tweaking required)
  • Tuned down the intensity of the turbulence in the carrier burble
  • Reduced burble vertical reach
  • Own lat and lon from CAINS is displayed also before the INS switch is moved into INS
  • Added two new liveries from livery competition by Shmoo


DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • M02. Reset pre-recorded control for AAR.
  • M05. Fixed a bug causing the mission to finish at start.
  • M08. Reset pre-recorded control for AAR.
Sneak-Peak im Trailer: Der kommende AH-64 Apache.
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