Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Im Microsoft Flight Simulator ist der Working Title CJ4 ein weit verbreitetes Add-on. X-Plane-Fans sollen jetzt ebenfalls die Möglichkeit erhalten, den Business-Jet aus dem Hause Cessna virtuell fliegen zu können. Netavio hat den Jet jetzt veröffentlicht, ausgestattet mit der gleichen Avionik, wie sie im Microsoft Flight Simulator zu finden ist. Das Proline 21 wurde laut Netavios Produktbeschreibung detailliert umgesetzt. Ergänzt wird das Add-on durch ein Soundpaket von SimAcoustics. 45 Dollar verlangen die Entwickler für ihre Umsetzung des Jets und versprechen dabei folgende Features:

NETAVIO quality 3D model
  • Detailed exterior, cabin and cockpit design
  • 3D model includes a good balance of 3d polygons for fast frame rates on laptop computers
  • 2 luxurious passenger cabin design options 
  • Functional baggage doors as well as battery, GPU, hydraulic, and fuel panels
  • 4K PBR textures by acclaimed Digital Artist David Rencsenyi, (Star Wars Episode VII)
  • 8 gorgeous 4K liveries included
  • Paint kit included
  • Smooth and VR friendly avionic panels, animated switches, knobs, flight and throttle controls
High Resolution Aerodynamic model
  • Aerodynamic flight model accuracy within 2 % of actual aircraft flight performance at high altitude and within 5% at low altitudes, adjusted for X-Plane’s atmospheric limitations 
  • Performance taken from in flight measurements, flight data recorders and further calibration with aircraft performance tables
High Resolution Engine Performance model
  • Engine performance fine-tuned precisely to emulate Williams FJ44-4A
  • Engine performance data taken from in flight measurements, from engine start, takeoff, climb, cruise thrust settings profiles up to max certified altitude of 45,000 feet
  • Custom FADEC driven engine thrust ratings, 
  • Accurate startup sequence, ITTs, fuel flows calibrated per cruise altitude
  • Custom EICAS, Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System 
High Resolution Avionics
  • Super sharp 4K avionic displays
  • Avionics using XLua plugin offering one of the highest refresh rates possible with minimum GPU resources
  • (a solid 30 fps achieved on Apple’s new M1 MacBook Air with mid graphic settings)
Realistic Rockwell Collins ProLine 21 Emulation
  • Custom DCP (Display Control Panel), CCP (Cursor Control Panel), FGP-3000 (Flight Guidance Panel)
  • Custom PFD Menu Items and MFD Menu Items faithfully reproduced
  • Accurate Vspeeds, Baro, HSI modes and PFD format settings 
  • Climb, Pitch, FLC, Nav and Approach modes as per ProLine 21
  • Dual Rockwell Collins CDU-3000’s enabling simultaneous operations of FMS Navigation and Radio Tuning pages with auto-sync like the real unit – perfect for single pilot flying
  • Optional mouse, scroll-wheel for data input
Aircraft System Deep Emulation
  • L3 Avionics, Electronic Standby Instrument System (ESIS) Model GH-3000
  • Custom Electrical and Hydraulic systems  
  • Accurate flaps, speed-brakes and ground spoilers logic, actuation and effects on aerodynamic performance 
  • Accurate anti-icing and pressurization settings
  • Realistic CAS, Crew Alerting Systems 
Now with Ultra-Quality FMOD Sounds
  • FMOD High Resolution 3D sound pack by SimAcoustics 
  • featuring actual audio recording of a CJ4 ProLine avionics, Engines and in flight
  • sampled in high resolution and mastered in 3D
  • ProLine21 audio alerts and system logic authentically simulated
  • Complete set of aircraft documentations
  • ProLine 21 Avionic Tutorials and Quick Start Guide
  • PilotEdge & ForeFlight app compatible
  • Ongoing refinements and avionic features development
  • Excellent proficiency tool to prepare and review for the actual CJ4 initial type rating and yearly recurrent rides
  • Perfect tool for scenario based training, to practice SOPs, Emergency Memory Items, Checklist flows
  • ProLine 21 familiarization and Jet transition course preparation
  • Excellent IFR tool to demonstrate modern avionics and autopilot automation during different phases of flight
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2 Jahre zuvor

Liest sich doch sehr gut und sieht auch so aus. Behalte ich mal im Auge, Danke für die Vorab Vorstellung !

2 Jahre zuvor

Ich will ja nicht kleinlich sein. Es ist nur so, dass der Jet schon seit Juni verfügbar ist und jetzt ein Update bekommen hat.

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