Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Dass Just Flight an der Fokker Jet-Reihe arbeitet, ist ja nicht neu. Bereits im vergangenen Jahr haben wir immer wieder über die Fokker 28 Fellowship berichtet. Im Juni 2022 wurde dann auch bekannt, dass Just Flight an deren Nachfolgergeneration arbeitet – den Fokker 70 und 100. Gestern gab es nun den ersten Eintrag im gestarteten Development-Blog.

Cockpit und Exterieur komplett - Zusammen mit Liveries im Test

Der erste Schritt ist also nun komplett. Das Modell des Cockpits und das Exterieur der Fokker 100 sind komplett und bereits aktiv im Test, ebenso die Liveries, welche bei Release von Haus aus mitgeliefert werden sollen. Als nächstes stehen Arbeiten am Modell der kleineren Schwester, der Fokker 70, sowie der detaillierten Passagierkabine an.

Previews zu Liveries der niederländischen Flugzeug-Ikone, enthalten u.a. aktuelle, wie auch vormalige Betreiber der Fokker 100. Mit dabei sind Air Berlin (opr by Germania), KLM UK, British Airways (opr TAT), Alliance Air, Qantas Link, American Airlines und Air France Régional. Es ist aber davon auszugehen, dass es noch einige mehr bei Release sein werden, fehlen doch die Klassiker Austrian und KLM Cityhopper.

Feature-Liste veröffentlicht

Erste Previews zu den Systemen und der Fokker 70, sollen in einem späteren Development Update folgen. Die Liste mit den zu erwartenden Features, hat Just Flight jedoch bereits veröffentlicht:


  • Fokker 70 and 100 variants
  • Accurately modelled using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft
  • Realistic animations including all passenger, service and cargo doors, control surfaces and mechanisms, distinctive lift-dumpers and tail-mounted airbrake
  • 4k and 8k textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity, with decals used for high-resolution text
  • Full support for MSFS visual icing effects and ground services support
  • Realistic, dynamic wing-flex
  • Custom ground equipment (GPU, cones and chocks)
  • Detailed passenger cabin and galley


  • Captain, Co-Pilot and jump-seat positions modelled with all switches, knobs and levers animated and functional
  • A truly 3D cockpit environment right down to accurately modelled circuit breakers and screw heads – every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
  • Authentic gauges and navigational equipment, including RMI (VOR/ADF), PFD/ND/ECAM and FMS
  • Realistic autoflight system including lateral and vertical navigation modes and autothrottle
  • Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
  • Aircraft state system which will automatically save the aircraft state whenever a flight is saved and reload it whenever that flight is loaded
  • Aircraft configuration system which allows you to choose between ‚Cold & Dark‘, ‘Turnaround’ or ‚Ready for Take-off‘
  • Many features have been added to help with usability such as the ability to hide the control yokes for a better view of the instruments and pre-set angled views for the overhead and centre pedestal, and a hidden clickspot for setting all altimeters
  • Tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft states, options and payloads, with Navigraph and SimBrief integration and a moving map
  • Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
  • Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
  • Custom-coded systems, including hydraulic, electrical, engine bleed, fuel and pressurisation


The Fokker 70 and 100 will be supplied with a range of liveries from around the world, reflecting its wide and varied airline service.

  • Independent lighting controls for Captain and First Officer
  • Dimmable integral lighting for each panel
  • Dimmable dynamic flood lighting for a highly immersive and customisable night environment
  • Freely moveable spot lights


  • MSFS-native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of the new MSFS capabilities
  • Studio quality RR Tay engine sounds
  • Hundreds of flight deck sound effects
  • Detailed equipment audio such as the APU, brake fans, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment and many more
  • Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
  • Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)
  • Custom crash and scraping effects

FDE and effects

  • Realistic and accurate performance in the air and on the ground, using unique flight models for all variants based on real-world performance and handling data, and input from real-world Fokker 70 and 100 pilots
  • Custom effects for enhanced immersion, including engine, GPU and APU exhaust haze
  • Accurately simulated exterior lighting, including wing, logo and independent taxi/landing lights

Other features

  • Comprehensive PDF manual with flight tutorial, systems guide, procedures, limitations and handling notes
  • Multiple interior and exterior camera presets, including wing views
  • PSD paint kit included so you can create your own paint schemes
  • Full support for MSFS checklists (manual and Automatic/Co-pilot modes)
  • Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with controllers and hardware
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2 Jahre zuvor

Eine Fokker mit 3D Cockpit? Das ich das noch erleben darf haha^^

2 Jahre zuvor

Kann der Flieger VNAV und Holdings?

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Katja

Realistic autoflight system including lateral and vertical navigation modes and autothrottle

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Markus

Super, na geht doch!

2 Jahre zuvor

Ahhhhh ich liebe die Fokker 100 – so ein schöner Flieger – wirklich

christian klingbeil
christian klingbeil
2 Jahre zuvor

Der sollte wohl gut umzusetzen sein. hat er nicht annähernd die Systemtiefe eines A350.
Hatte eine sehr angehme Bestuhlung. Bin von TXL nach LICA mit Germania und mit KLM nach EHAM geflogen.

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