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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Nach dem Release der F-15 steht nun der nächste Jet bereit seine Nachbrenner im DCS zu zünden. Die Heatblur F-4 Phantom macht mit einem neuen, detaillierten Video auf den Start des DCS typischen Early Access aufmerksam. Vielleicht heißt es schon bald, Schnauzer kämmen, Helm auf und Schubhebel nach vorne.

In unserem vorherigen Beitrag haben wir bereits das neuste Phantom Video analysiert und die Neuerungen und Features dargelegt. Wer nun Nägel mit Köpfen machen möchte, hat ab sofort die Möglichkeit, die Phantom im Vorverkauf für ca. 60 € zu erstehen. Damit ist der Platz im Cockpit beim Earyl Access Release gesichert.

Key features of the F-4E Phantom II:
  • The simulation of both the DCSG and DMAS equipped -E variants, the DMAS version and early DCSG versions following later during the Early Access period.
  • Highly detailed external model, built using laser scanning and photogrammetry taken of real F-4 Phantoms across the globe.
  • New models for some of the F-4 Phantom payloads, such as the AGM-45 Shrike, the AGM-12 Bullpup, the AGM-62 Walleye and AN/AVQ-23 Pave Spike targeting pod.
  • Highly detailed and accurate 6-DOF (Degrees of Freedom) cockpit also built using photogrammetry from the F-4 Phantoms preserved at museums, including Heatblur FORGE elements to be added later during Early Access.
  • Highly detailed and accurate pilot and WSO models that will eventually match the many liveries and different nations, and later during early access a full character customization system, allowing you to customize your pilot and pick and match various equipment to stylize your crew.
  • Highly accurate, F-4 pilot and WSO verified, External Flight Model (EFM) based on real performance data.
  • Accurate aircraft systems simulation featuring:
  • The Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS).
  • Detailed electrical system, simulating sources, current and consumption accurately, including realistic circuits and power draw for every connected device.
  • Detailed Hydraulic System, simulating the flow of hydraulic liquid that ultimately moves the hydraulics which in return move the various flight surfaces, etc.
  • Detailed and accurate oil and fuel system.
  • Mass based physics system, allowing for unprecedented simulation of moving surfaces, with realistic behavior according to their mass and properties.
  • Fully functional multiplayer two seat functionality allowing a pilot to carry another player functioning as the Weapon Systems Officer, WSO.
  • JESTER AI 2.0: Our new and improved lifelike AI that fills the role of the WSO when flying single-player or multiplayer without a human WSO, with now expanded functionality, dialogue options and more.
  • A simulated Crew Chief for a more immersive and complete startup procedure.
  • Later during early access, a brand new walkaround mode, allowing you to do pre-flight checks on your aircraft.
  • A new electronic tablet feature, that allows for live in-cockpit browsing, manual display and the ability to interact with the various settings and options pertaining to your mission and flight. This feature will be continually expanded during Early Access.
  • Introducing Heatblur Interactive Tooltips: the ability to click on a switch and be directly taken to the relevant manual part, without ever leaving your cockpit.
  • New and improved effects, such as advanced overwing vapors, new procedural animation systems, and more.
  • Detailed and highly accurate simulation of the AN/APQ-120 Radar.
  • Detailed and highly accurate simulation of the ALR-46 RWR.
  • A detailed simulation of the AN/AVQ-23 Pave Spike targeting pod, allowing the WSO to guide laser guided munitions dropped by the pilot or other aircraft (buddy-lasing).
  • Comprehensive digital manual, both as a PDF and as a continually updated online manual, directly accessible from within the cockpit at any time via Interactive Tooltips and/or the EBAG.
  • A complete set of interactive and voiced tutorials.
  • A comprehensive set of missions and campaigns to be gradually released during Early Access and beyond.
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1 Jahr zuvor

Absolutes „Mascht Hävle“ 🙂 !!!

Es gibt wirklich verdammt gute Module für „DCS“ … aber auf die F-4 freue ich mich ganz besonders! DANKE für die Info … wo ist meine Kreditkarte ?!?

Jürgen Heckers/Reverend
Jürgen Heckers/Reverend
1 Jahr zuvor
Antwort auf  Lowpull

Ich hoffe du hast sie gefunden.

Meine F4 ist schon im PreSale Hangar 😉

1 Jahr zuvor
Antwort auf  Lowpull

Wird Zeit das Steam sie freigibt…meine 60€ setzen schon Staub an 😅

1 Jahr zuvor

Mit T-Shirt bestellt 🤘

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